Barshall Firefly, “Fly”


DOB: 7/27/1992

Sex: Female

Sire: Parkbreck Jake

Dam: Kenkew Lin

Breeder: L.R. Wales

Owner: Jack Jones

Placements & Awards

Date Placement Stake Location Handler
03/31/2001 Gun’s Award ECSCA, Texas
02/22/2001 4th Place Western Washington Springer Spaniel Club, CA
09/28/1998 4th Place Northern Colorado

Warrener’s Willow Warbler, “Chilie”


DOB: 11/12/1997

Sex: Female

Sire: FC Griffin’s Pride Rocky

Dam: FC Parkbreck Moorhen

Owner: Leslie Williams & John Holland

Breeder: Paul McGagh

Placements & Awards

Date Placement Stake Location Handler
10/17/1999 3rd Place St. Croix Valley English Cocker Spaniel Club
10/01/1999 CM Northern Colorado

Third Place, October 17, 1999, St. Croix Valley English Cocker Spaniel Club

Certificate of Merit, October 1, 1999, Northern Colorado

Warrener’s Mountain Blue Bird, “Cheyenne”



DOB: 5/13/2003

Sex: Female

Sire: FC Budman 57

Dam: FC/EFC Findley’s Flyer

Breeder: Vicky Thomas

Owner: John & Leslie Holland

Placements & Awards

Date Placement Stake Location Handler
09/08/2006 2nd Place Maine Spaniel Field Trial Club Paul McGagh
09/01/2006 3rd Place Central Connecticut Spaniel Club Mike Delaney

Skalkaho’s Black Gnat, “Winnie”


DOB: 3/24/2012

Sex: Female

Sire: FC Ballyduff Coal

Dam: FC/CFC Mallowdale Cassy

Owner: Olivia Steele-Mortimer

Breeder: Olivia Steele-Mortimer


Placements & Awards

Date Placement Stake Location Handler
03/31/2016 3rd Place Open Platte River Olivia Steele-Mortimer
04/12/2014 1st Place Open ECSCA, Roy, Montana Olivia Steele-Mortimer
04/12/2014 Gun’s Award Open ECSCA, Roy, Montana Olivia Steele-Mortimer

FC Windwhistle M. Vida, “Vida”


DOB: 5/1/2003

Sex: Female

Sire: FC Norbeck Arfer Mole

Dam: FC Diana Floss of Windmillwood

Breeder: Harold Bixby

Owner: Harold Bixby (now owned by Wynfield Plantation)

Placements & Awards

Date Placement Stake Location Handler
10/08/2005 Gun’s Award ECSCA, Reedsville, Wisconsin Mike Delaney
10/8/2005 1st Place ECSCA, Reedsville, Wisconsin Mike Delaney
9/25/2005 3rd Place ECSCA, Bozeman Montana Paul McGagh
09/09/2005 4th Place MSFTC, Milo, ME Paul McGagh
09/04/2005 1st Place Central Connecticut Spaniel Club Paul McGagh
09/01/2006 2nd Place Central Connecticut Spaniel Club Mike Delaney

FC Warrener’s Common Nighthawk, “Ty”



Sex: Male

Sire:FC Corazon Beau

Dam:FC/CFC Warrener’s Yellowhammer

Breeder:Vicky Thomas

Owner:Ron & Donna Hall

Placements & Awards

Date Placement Stake Location Handler
2/24/2018 3rd Place Open SCSSC, EGA Hesperia, CA Ron Hall
3/3/2017 1st Place Open SESSTC, Gray Lodge, CA Paul McGagh
2/26/2017 2nd Place Open SCSSC, EGA Hesperia, Ca Paul McGagh
03/29/2015 3rd Place Open ECSCA, Los Banos Ron Hall
10/26/2013 3rd Place  National Championship ECSCA Cocker National Championship, Bismarck, North Dakota Paul McGagh
09/14/2013 3rd Place Open Cascade ECS Fanciers, Washington Paul McGagh
09/29/2012 1st Place Open North Dakota Sporting Spaniel Club, North Dakota Paul McGagh
09/02/2012 2nd Place Open Prairie Spaniel Club Vermillion Canada Paul McGagh
05/18/2012 4th Place Open Montana Paul McGagh
09/16/2011 4th Place Open North Dakota Sporting Spaniel Club, North Dakota Paul McGagh
03/12/2011 2nd Place Open So. California Sporting Spaniel Club, Lockwood Valley Paul McGagh

FC Warrener’s Whip-Poor-Will, “Troy”



Sex: Male

Sire: FC Corazon Beau

Dam: FC Warreners Yellowhammer MH

Breeder: Vicky L Thomas

Owner: Richard Whelan


Click here to view Pedigree

Placements & Awards

Date Placement Stake Location Handler
11/01/2014 1st Place National Championship Hillendale Hunting Club, Tryone, PA Richard Whelan
11/01/2014 Gun’s Award National Championship Hillendale Hunting Club, Tryone, PA Richard Whelan
03/24/2013 3rd Place Open New York Richard Whelan
09/16/2012 2nd Place Open ECSCA East Coast Richard Whelan
06/10/2012 3rd Place Open Devil’s Creek, Manitoba Canada Richard Whelan
04/22/2012 1st Place Open Spaniel Club of Western New York Richard Whelan
04/22/2012 Gun’s Award Open Spaniel Club of Western New York Richard Whelan
04/16/2012 3rd Place Open Mason Dixon Cocker Spaniel Club Richard Whelan
02/25/2012 4th Place Open Valley Forge Richard Whelan

FC Oahe Contessa Blaze, “Tess”


DOB: 12/18/1996

Sex: Female

Sire: Oahe Macallan BBC

Dam: FC Parkbreck Elm of Bishwell

Breeder: Tom Ness

Owner: Dean and Deb Knudsen

Tess died in 2009

Placements & Awards

Date Placement  Stake Location Handler
4/27/2000 1st Place English Springer Spaniel Association of Western New York Paul McGagh
4/16/2000 2nd Place North Dakota Sporting Spaniel Club Paul McGagh
9/28/1998 4th Place North Dakota Sporting Spaniel Club Tom Ness
9/4/1998 2nd Place Maine Spaniel Field Trial Club Tom Ness
9/3/1998 1st Place American Spaniel Club, Maine Tom Ness

FC Whapley No Trace, “Trace”



Sex: Male

Sire: EFC Maesydderwen Soloman

Dam: FC Sanford Guinevere

Breeder: Andrew Robinson

Owner: Debra Strohl

Placements & Awards

Date Placement Stake Location Handler
05/9/2008 4th Place New York Field Trial Deb Stohl
10/5/2008 2nd Place Fox Valley English Cocker Spaniel Club Deb Stoh
10/4/2008 2nd Place Fox Valley English Cocker Spaniel Club Deb Stohl
03/27/2007 4th Place Ohio Deb Stohl
10/1/2005 2nd Place Spaniel Association of Western New York Deb Stohl
9/24/2005 1st Place Heart of Michigan Deb Stohl